Wednesday, April 29, 2015

College 101: Lesson 3

One of the best things about college is you can finally do what you want to do, wear what you want, do what you want, believe what you want, and people actually DON'T judge you unlike high school. I remember my Sophomore year of high school. I started buying different clothes than what I normally wear because I thought they were cute. But I was afraid to wear them to school, because no one else liked these clothes. If you didn't wear blinged out Buckle Jeans that cost more than $100 and an American Eagle top you were weird. God forbid you actually wear dress-up clothes like skirts or dresses without getting weird looks or multiple questions of, "why do you look so nice today?" BECAUSE I WANT TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF I'M NOT DOING THIS FOR YOUR BENEFIT!! I have strong feelings about this. My style ranges from emo skater girl to Sorority basic. And I feel like because of how judgmental our school was, I didn't break out of my shell and didn't really become who I wanted to be until college, which really sucks.
I remember in my senior year there was a new girl that appeared. What was amazing about this girl was her confidence. She didn't care that she wasn't the smallest girl out there. She didn't let her weight dictate what she wears and how she feels and how she carries herself. She didn't let people's opinions change the way she dressed. She wore whatever she wanted, not caring what others said. To me, this was so brave. She did wear some crazy stuff, but what we weren't taught in high school, is to accept people for who they really are. We haven't matured to the point where it shouldn't bother us what other people wear. So because of this we are kept inside our shell and not able to do what we really want, which hinders our ability to grow as a person, and the circle goes around and around. Until the only thing accepted at school is Buckle jeans and yoga pants (PINK BRAND ONLY).
BUT GUESS WHAT RICH GIRLS FROM HIGH SCHOOL?!?!?!?!?!? Buckle isn't cool here. You're actually considered immature if you still wear bedazzled jeans. It's like crossing over into a different world, from black and white to HD color. I've seen so much diversity since coming to KU. I've seen it all. We have a guy that rides a unicycle, no freaking joke. I've seen a girl in all black with big baggy pants with silver chains all over them. I've seen girls with sky high heels that empower me. If it were up to me, I would have worn heels to school ALL THE TIME if it would've been acceptable.
One of the things that made me realize how bad Beloit is at judgmental opinions was when it was the second time I came home. I was wearing what I normally wear when I go out casually. Not what I normally would've worn a year ago in high school. One of my former underclassman came up to me.
"Hey Dani would you be offended if I asked you a personal question? You don't have to answer."
"Well sure, go ahead."
"Are you wearing what you wear now because that's what people wear in Lawrence or have you wanted to wear this and just haven't been able to until college?" Right then I felt bad for this guy. We are sheltered in Beloit. It's such a small town that anything that isn't considered "right" by our other peers is wrong.
I answered him truthfully. "I've had these clothes since Junior year. I get to wear what I want and I love it."
"Yeah, I thought so. See I want to be able to wear scarves and nice dress-up clothes but I know people will just make fun of me for it." How wrong does that sound people? Moving from Beloit to lovely Lawrence, KS has made me realize how brain washed we are. We're taught that gay rights are not rights at all and that not believing in God is wrong. Well guess what people? I have an aunt that is gay. And she is probably one of the greatest people I know. She adopted two boys from two different countries. She is so inspirational. One of my best friends here is gay. I know quite a few people that don't believe in a God and it is so refreshing. We're told that anything deemed by the government is bad, no matter how harmless it actually is. We're told what we can and cannot wear and how we can and cannot act without even realizing it. I know if I were to ever have kids, I want them to experience everything the world has to offer and not shelter them. I want them to be exposed to different cultures so they don't become close-minded like I believe is what has happened to a lot of people these days.
So back on topic, BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE. THERE ARE NO BOUNDARIES. You want to dress like a man and you're a woman? WHO CARES?! DO IT! You want to wear a baseball cap and you aren't involved in sports? DO IT! You're a boy and want to wear Sperry's? DO IT! You want to wear a scarf and you're a guy? DO IT! You want to wear fake glasses every single day to look cool? FREAKING DO IT MAN! You want to dress up as a pirate? MORE POWER TO YOU MAN! You can join our pirate man that travels around on Mass. He's pretty freaking cool.
All in all, people just do what you want. Why worry what people think about you? If it makes you feel good about yourself and it makes you happier?
You get what I'm saying now?! So don't even wait for college. Wear what you want when you want. Act how you want. Do what you want. Be that person that doesn't let other people bring them down. Because to me, those people are the coolest. They are the best people to have on your side. Make it okay in high school to wear what you want. Let people know it's safe to be who they want to be. Don't not let them grow. That's mean.
So my advice for the day isn't just for my high school seniors, it's for everyone that's become a little close-minded. What we wear on our bodies in no way is intended to harm you or make you feel unsafe. 99.9% of the time we are wearing what we are because its for us and not for you. So next time you see a guy in a button up and slacks and has an arm covered in tattoos, don't make a face and categorize him as incompetent because he has drawn on himself. It's called art. He sure as heck didn't do it for you and it probably has a very significant meaning to him. Next time you see someone riding a skateboard and has a pack of smokes in their pocket, don't just assume they're incompetent pot smokers that aren't going anywhere in life. Many professional and successful people are doing way worse drugs than harmless pot. Please please PLEASE just be little more open-minded and accepting. It can make the world such a nicer, safer place. Please guys.

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